
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Bapau 555 Muara Karang

Do you ever heard Bapau 555. I never heard that, but last week when I culinary trip to Pluit and Muara Karang so I visit this tiny Bapau 555. From outside it is looks like a tradional bapau, who made from elderly and the owner is chineese so, it will be delicious.

There is so many kind of bapau they served like pork, chicken, coconut, chocolate, and tausa. The most favorite bapau is tausa and chocolate. So I ordered them. But you cannot eat bapau in the place, so I take away the bapau to home and taste it.

Each Rp.8,500,-

Even this is not a famous bapau, but I like the bapau so much. Since this is my first visit I bought chocolate, pork and tausa. The chocolate bapau is really nice, the chocolate is melted. The tausa bapau is really good too. The pork is nice. I think I gonna back here to eat a lot and a lot bapau 

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Bapau & Kue 555
Jl. Muara Karang Raya No 16
Jakarta Utara
Tel : 021 - 667 8085 / 668 4271

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