
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Ayam Goreng Rahmat Berkah

Ayam Rahmat Berkah menu

Ayam Goreng Rahmat Berkah is one of the best hawker food I ever taste. Even they are hawker food, but doesn't mean they are have a low quality food. The chicken is ayam kampung, so it tastier than ayam negeri and I am hear from so many people that all the ingredients that serve here, so come from Java ( I mean Central Java ). 

Ayam Goreng Half Rp.40,000,-
Tahu, Tempe Goreng Rp.4,000,-

Lalapan Rp.5,000,-

For my first visit, I came in dinner time, so it is so crowded. But the crowded is not make the service bad. The service still good, even this is hawker too. There was so many waiter will serve you and help you. Ayam Goreng Rahmat Berkah is open so early which is 10am, they open and they close until the fried chicken is sold out. Luckily me, I am get the chicken, many people came after me, didn't get the chicken because of sold out. 

What I like from Ayam Goreng Rahmat Berkah is the taste of chicken, all the spice really taste until inside, and the chicken is really easy to eat. The taste of chicken is look like ayam goreng suharti without kremes. So yummy isn't it? For the side dish like tahu and tempe, is like another tahu and tempe you ever taste. The yummiest here to complete your dish is the chili sauce. The chili sauce is really delicious, even it is spicy, but it will make you eat until you sweaty and feeling hot. For the beverage, they have es kopyor which is rare in Jakarta and soda susu.

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Ayam Goreng Rahmat Berkah
Jl. Panglima Polim III Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 
Tel :  (021) - 573 6663


  1. bah enak banget nih kayanya! :9 emang kadang" makan di pinggiran lebih enak dr di resto ya :)

  2. @ireneL: Iyah emang kadang enakan makan pinggir jalan daripada yang di resto2 gitu :)

  3. setengah ekorrr ?? wow mantep !! berapaan nih harganya ?? kelihatannya ga perlu nasi deh. petai gorengnya pasti bikin mantep banget ... :D

    thanks for visited mine :D

    1. @Arman : Murah kok, kalo ga salah sih ga sampe 50rban, antara 20rban sampe 30rban. Harga pastinya lupa. Nasinya ada, hehe, nasi uduk sama nasi puti. Petenya sih mantep, tapi saya ga doyan hehe
