
Thursday 29 March 2012

Kwetiaw Mangga Besar

Since couple weeks ago, I craves kwatiaw siram, so my mom and dad ask me to go to Kwetiaw Siram Mangga Besar near my home. We never visit kwetiaw siram here. So this is our first time visited Kwetiaw Siram Mangga Besar. Our favorite Kwetiaw Siram in Hayam Wuruk near Delicious Bakery, but since it was our lazy sunday, so we decided to find Kweatiaw Siram near our home.

For the first time we came there, it is not too crowded, but our order was long time to served, we needed to ask the waiter order. It made me bored to wait. 

 Soup Sapi Rp.28,000,-

 Kwetiauw Kuah Rp.25,000,-

 Kwetiaw Siram Rp.25,000,-

Liang Teh Rp.5,000 ,-

For my beverage, I was ordered Liang Teh and for the food I was ordered Kwetiaw Siram which I think there is no taste at all. Since I love salty food, so I added so many soy sauce for make it better taste, but for the meat, in this kwetiaw siram there is so much meat so you can fulfill you meat craving, for the kwetiaw kuah has the same taste with kwetiaw siram, I need to added so many soy sauce, but the kwetiaw cooked so nice, also the soup sapi, there is no taste.

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Kwetiaw Sapi Mangga Besar
Jl. Pessangrahan Raya No. 9A
Jakarta Barat
Tel : (021)-5890 2375

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