
Saturday 31 March 2012

Standing Sushi Bar

Standing Sushi Bar is the newest sushi place in Mall Kelapa Gading. Since the place looks really comfy and attractive, so me and Bella also Yeye came there to taste the sushi. Standing Sushi Bar is empty without any visitor except me. I don't know what happen, but I came there in lunch time.

Standing Sushi Bar have nice interior and ambient, also many waiter to serve us well. So many food blogger said Standing Sushi Bar service so bad, but for me they served really well, maybe because there is no visitor except me. 

For this visit, I order hand roll sushi, because HSBC promotion, they give us buy 1 get 1 promo. So I bought 4 hand roll sushi, which is Aburi Hotate Mentai, Spicy Shake Toro Make, Shake Mentaiko Mozarella Maki and Jumbo Dragon Roll. 

 Aburi Hotate Mentai Maki Rp.90,000,-

Spicy Shake Toro Maki Rp.70,000,-

Shake Mentaiko Mozarella Maki Rp.80,000,-

Jumbo Drago Roll Rp.80,000,-

Salmon Skin Fried (Shake Kawa) Rp.22,000,-

Cold Ocha Rp.8,000,- 

For Aburi Hotate Mentai, it feels like california roll plus scalop on the top, nothing special with them except their topping. I like the scallop so soft and yummy. Then Spicy Shake Toro Maki, I like it because it is little bit spicy so you won't feel nausea when you eat sushi. the topping is so yummy to, I think is combination between chili sauce mix with raw salmon, so delish. Then Shake Mentaiko Mozarella, since Bella is the huge fan of mentai sushi, so we ordered this. Then Jumbo Dragon Roll, even the name is jumbo dragon roll. In my opinion, the unagi in the top is too thin. I prefer the thick one. For all the sushi, I think the rice to hand roll is too much, so I feel really full after eat all of this. And the salmon skin fried (Shake Kawa) it is really disappoint me, coz it is out of my expectation. I thought the salmon skin fried is not really different with salmon skin fried in Sushi Tei, but this salmon skin fried is only the salmon skin, I mean no salmon meat at all. It looks like eat salmon chips. 

For the beverages we ordered cold ocha. For me the ocha taste is nice I can feel the bitterness of ocha, but for Yeye and Bella, they don't like the bitterness of ocha. Ocha is refillable

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Standing Suhi Bar
La Piazza Kelapa Gading
Lantai 1 unit 381

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