
Sunday 22 April 2012

Swike Ciledug Cirebon

Who loves swike, not everyone want to eat swike or you can call them as frog. But even it is little bit nasty, they are really delicious. In Cirebon there is so many large field as a farm or just a wet place as habitat of frog, so many rumah makan here served kodok or swike. I visited them in lunch time, but it was rainy day so I think no one came there especially me and my fam. 

This is my first time eat in this place, regularly I go to Swike Pulo Gebang not far from them, but this place is nearer than Swike Pulo Gebang, so let's try this new place

Swike Kuah Rp.20,000,-

If you regularly eat frog or swike, you will know this swike style won't be missing. We can call them swike kuah, the soup is made from tauco and the taste is salty also they are delicious.
Swike Goreng Tepung Rp.26,000,-

Then swike goreng tepung are me and my sister favorite, we love it bcoz of they are crunchy also you could dipping with chili sauce.

Swike Saos Rp.26,000,-

This swike saos is delicious too. Swike saos made by first they fried the swike without any flour, then they stir with their special sauce.

Beside that, regularly this place also served frog eggs and frog tummy, but when I visited them, they said there are sold out.

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Swike Ciledug
Jl. Raya Bandengan Cirebon
Tel : 08156163485

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