
Friday 25 May 2012

Pempek Emak

 Pempek Emak Rp.15,000,-/piece

Beside Pempek Emak, I also received Pisang Ijo Genit and Bed Hair Guy Onigiri from Then today I will review about pempek emak. Pempek Emak served pempek in Bangka style. Also not like another pempek, Pempek emak used shrimp as the main ingredient of pempek. So the pempek will taste sweet coz the shrimp will bring the sweet taste. Then as the instruction how to cook Pempek Emak, you could cook pempek with fried, steam and heat in the microwave. But I prefer to fried the pempek. 

Then I fried


And here it is the result of pempek.

You could eat with the sauce which is so spicy. or if you don't like the spicy you could eat the pempek only. It is yummy too

If you are like pempek, you might like the Pempek Emak, so what are you waiting for, you could order the Pempek Emak in or you could order in Pempek Emak

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