
Monday 23 June 2014

Sorry for super non update and non reliable food blogger

Hey foodie friends, sorry for not updating so long time. I am still living. I had been eating a lot of yummy or unyummy food. But in this 6 months, I have been really focused with my job as a banker and I really want to achieve something in my banking career. I push myself in my career tried the best that I can be. I worked over time, somehow I miss my leisure time. I miss find some new place to eat, but I couldn't. I tried some new side job, some new opportunities but I failed. 

I lose my self and no more excited to go to work, then someday I woke up noise in my head told me how I am starting to apply to become a banker, the reason why I could love my job. Then I realize that I wanna be a banker. I love for my job, besides that I am getting smarter to manage my time. Lately, I am really busy at work, but when I went home I miss something. I miss something that makes me busy, make me passionate again that is blogging.

One day, I puzzled myself to write again to back to my old hobby. I came again to food tasting. I see new people. I am back on track. I am blogging again. 

Wait me for first reviewed after my long break. Wish you are all excited, so see you



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