
Thursday 30 August 2012

UPDATE 30/08/2012: The Best Rainbow Cake in Jakarta

Rainbow cake is hype cake in Jakarta. But many of you maybe curious, what is the best rainbow cake. Here I post some of rainbow cake I ever met, and it taste good

Topping : Sprinkle
Frosting : Creme
Texture : Enough moist
Structure : Light
Layers : 6
Sweet level : It is ok
Colour made from: Food colouring
Price : Rp.20,000,-/slice and Rp.250,000,-/whole cake (22cm diameter)
Delivery : No
How to get :
Circle West, Citra Garden 6 C-28, West Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia 11810 
Note: You have to booked before they sold out

Topping : Sprinkle
Frosting : Creme cheese 
Texture : Moist and juicy
Structure : Bold
Layers : 6
Sweet level : Great
Colour made from: Food colouring
Price : Rp.35,000,-/slice and Rp.320,000,-/whole cake (20cm diameter) 
Delivery : Yes or you also can pick up in Lobby Hotel ASTON Rasuna, 
Komplek Apartemen Taman Rasuna H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 
Minimum order: 6 pieces 
Minimum place of order: 24 hours
How to get :
By web >>
By email >>
By phone >> 0811.9409.109
By twitter>> @minilovebites

3. Le Sweets

Topping : Sprinkle
Frosting : Creme cheese 
Texture : Juicy and moist
Structure : Bold
Layers : 6
Sweet level : Great
Colour made from: Food colouring but they served natural food colouring too
Price : Rp.30,000,-/slice and Rp.350,000,-/whole cake (20cm diameter) 
Delivery : Yes
Minimum order: You could order only 1 slice but the owner only baked if the order reach 6 slice
How to get :
By email >>
By twitter >> @le_sweets

And many place also sell rainbow cake

4. The Goods Dept Cafe
Price : Rp.50,000,-/slice
How to get :
Plaza Indo Ext 4th Fl #14 

Update 27/06/2012 
5. Bu Alma 

Topping : No Topping
Frosting : Creme Cheese
Texture : Moist
Structure : Bold
Layers : 6
Sweet level : Great
Colour made from: Food colouring
Price : Rp.50,000,-/jar
Delivery : No
How to get :
Brightspot event

Topping : Sprinkles
Frosting : Creme Cheese
Texture : Moist
Structure : Bold
Layers : 6
Sweet level : Great
Colour made from: Food colouring
Price : Rp.20,000,-/cupcake
Delivery : No
How to get :
The Goods Cafe / The Goods Diner

Update 03/08/2012 
6. The Goods Diner

Topping : Coloring Sugar
Frosting : Creme cheese 
Texture : Juicy and moist
Structure : Bold
Layers : 6
Sweet level : Great
Colour made from: Food colouring 
Price : Rp.60,000,-/slice without tax and service 
Delivery : No
How to get :
The Goods Diner
SCBD Lot 14

Update 03/08/2012 
7. Ohlala Cafe

Topping : Coloring Sugar
Frosting : Creme cheese 
Texture : Little bit dry and needs more cream cheese
Structure : Bold
Layers : 6
Sweet level : Great
Colour made from: Food colouring 
Price : Rp.42,500,-/slice 
Delivery : No
How to get :
Ohlala Cafe in Plaza Indonesia

Update 30/08/2012  
8. Island Creamery

Form : Ice Cream
Taste : So-so
Sweet level : Good
Price : Rp.22,000,-/cup
Delivery : Yes
How to get : The Flavor Bliss, Kav. 11, Alam Sutera, Tangerang
Tel >> (021)2900-5040, (021)2900-5041
Note : Rainbow ice cream looks like their red velvet ice cream

Please follow my twitter // facebook // instagram // foodspotting // pinterest


  1. suka banget ya sama rainbow cake? gw blm pernah cobain nih hehe

    1. gw nyobain karena emang lagi ngehip aja ren hahaha Gw lebih suka red velvet sih sbnrnya :)

  2. belom pernah nyoba sama sekali...hahaha. emang enak banget ya?

    1. Enak sih, apalagi kadang frostingnya pake cream cheese frosting, enakk. Ayo dicoba rainbow cakenya :)

    2. cake yang pake cream cheese yang di toko mana yah? thx :)

    3. yang le sweets dan mini lovebites pake cream cheese kan ada diketerangannya


  3. Udah nyobain yg Ohlala blom? ;)

    1. Belum nih, enak juga ya selba. Nanti deh cobain :)

  4. Replies
    1. Kalo saya sih prefer mini love bites atau le sweets

    2. rainbow cakenya, setiap layer beda2 atau sama rasanya? thanks

    3. Tiap layer itu rasanya sih sama aja, yaitu vanila. Tapi dgr2 sih ada yg beda2 tiap layer, tapi sejauh ini ga pernah coba sih

  5. keliatannya enak.. :)
    Mau ah nyobain.. :)
    di kota kita

    1. Iya cobain dong it is a super hype cake in Jakarta now hahah

  6. lagi ngehip bgt yah ini di JKT? duh pengen nyoba ntar pas pulang...hohoo
    red velvet hummingbird di London tuh enak bangettt!!!

    1. Iya lagi ngehype banget di Jakarta. Wow, di London tuh ada juga ya red velvet gitu? Saya baru tau kalo rainbow cake itu lagi mendunia hwhwhw

    2. kalo rainbow cake sih kayaknya justru nggak deh, disini nggak ada soalnya...kalo red velvet hummingbird itu memang dia terkenal banget,kayaknya dia salah satu pelopor tuh kue jd terkenal deh...hahaha

    3. Oh I see, padahal di jkt dan di US rainbow cake lebih hip. Btw hummingbird jg ada loh di Bandung, tapi mungkin bukan cabangnya dr London, yg bikin org asli Bandung
